I'm heading to Miami for vacay next week for a much needed Vitamin D boost. Naturally I've tried to sew up a few things for the trip. I originally had a list of about 10 garments that I just had to sew up (ha!) but the reality of a 24-hour day took over and I think I've got 2 or 3 new things for my suitcase.

First up is a pants pattern that is new for Spring 2009, Burda 7653. I've talked before about my love of loose-fitting summer pants, so it comes as no surprise that I'd have a thing for this pattern. They remind me of the style seen in several Spring 2009 collections.
I used a linen/rayon blend from my local fabric store. It's hard to tell in the photos (which I even lightened), but it's got both blue and black threads running through it for a dark blue effect. It is key that you choose a drapey fabric for this style.

I made a total newbie error when I purchased this fabric. The envelope said that my size would need 1 and 7/8 yds of 55" fabric, and I was in a thrifty mood, so I asked for exactly 1 and 7/8 yds at the cutting counter. I didn't even round up to 2! Then I got it home, pretreated the fabric by throwing it in the washer and dryer, pulled it out, and - whoa! I had about 1.5 yards of fabric at that point. I was plotting out how I'd cut the pieces in a single layer and use a different fabric for the facings and pocket lining, but in the end it turned out to be fine, all the pattern pieces fit on the folded fabric!
One more note about the fabric I chose - it was a total PITA to work with. It was a woven, but it should have belonged in the "slinky" section. What a finicky fabric. It behaved like silk crepe, in that as soon as I unpinned the cut pattern piece from the pattern, the fabric morphed out of shape and I could never get it to quite match the pattern piece again. This was a real issue with the back waistband pieces. The pants close in the CB with a zipper, so there are 2 back waist pieces and facings to match. There are no notches to help you match the back waist to the front waist at the side seam. I would definitely add these next time.

Notes about construction/alterations
This is rated as a "very easy" pattern, and really, it is. I made no alterations, and I have nothing to complain about construction-wise. It features pockets, a center back zipper, and the cropped style (B) has a band sewn at the hem that acts as a drawstring. I see that my hem falls above the calf and the model's is near her ankle. I know her legs are longer than mine, so either I tied my bands too tight so that they sit up on top of my calf, or her waistband is looser so her pants sit lower, or both.

I guess my jury is still out about these pants. When I tried them on, they felt huge (as far as excess thigh fabric), but seeing the pictures I don't think they look bad for casual summer pants. I think I've just got to get used to them.
Wow!!! they look very good on ya:-)
Those look really great on you. I just love that style of pants. I am wanting to sew up a wardrobe for my trip to Disney world in May. I will be lucky if I get 3 items done by then.
Those pants are so great and comfy-looking! They look like modified versions of the Harem pants that are everywhere!
Those are really really cute. Coincidentally, I have rayon and a similar pattern set up in the queue (if it ever ever finally gets warm again). I think you're right about rayon being sliky-esque. It frays like crazy too.
Although the jury is still out about these pants for you, I feel they came out great.
Oh, I think they are great. You did well with the length of them. That, makes all the difference!
I think they're super cute, especially in the shorter length.
Your pants are super adorable!
Those are very cute! I realized today I am in dire need of some cute spring pants - I may give this pattern a look next time I'm at the store!
They look adorable and perfectly summer.
I think you have the figure to pull off these pants. They really do look perfect for walking along the boardwalk/pier.
IMO these are fabulous! Really, do not be afraid to wear them, they are great! I think you may be experiencing the shock of a new cut. I remeber I felt that way about skinny pants and now that is mostly what I wear. I'll make those for myself too!
Those look cute on you Christina tho I understand why they'd feel rather baggy at first. Have a fun trip, color me green with envy.
Wow! I didn't think I liked this style at all, but these look great on you -- the length you've chosen is great. I hope you decide to wear them.
I think they look really cute and comfortable. Have a great vacation, you are so lucky!
Ok, I'm really not a fan of the style at all on the runaway looks, but you look great, and it totally works for you! Which is the most important thing. Enjoy Miami!
The jury here likes them. :) I'm actually surprised. They are no where near as voluminous as the original version from the 80's that I was expecting. Enjoy your vacay!
the fabric may have been difficult to work with but it was the perfect weight for these pants! Very hip indeedy and great fit.
Such an awesome look for you!
These are great summer pants and they look really good on you. Have a fabulous vacation!
GREAT pattern. They really got the looseness/pleating right on this one. You look fab in them!
They're great and the fit is lovely. You see you'll get used to them quickly!
I think they look really cute on you!
They look TERRIFIC!!!!
I have to agree with everyone else... they really look good on you. And very stylish. I would probably feel funny in them too because they are unique, but you really pull them off well.
Super cute pants, very fashion forward. I agree with one of the other comments that the drapey fabric may have been a PIA to work with but this style needs that kind of fabric to look good.
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