I've got my Marfy dress muslin done, though lately my thoughts has been focused on New Years Eve attire. Practically last minute planning, as is usual for me. But really, who knows what they want to wear more than 2 weeks ahead of time?!
I guess I'm feeling a little bumptious about my success with the biker jacket, because now I've got blazers on my mind. Many of us girls want to go sleeveless or strapless on New Years Eve, but if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, it is cold this time of year. I have a down coat that I love, but I'd like to have a temporary transition between the big puffy coat and the bare shoulders. Enter... the fitted blazer! Exhibit A:

1. 3/4 sleeves
2. open neckline
3. length that hits at the hip or higher
A few of my inspiration pictures:

There may be a desperate last minute trip to H&M in my future, but in the meantime, cross your fingers for me.
You can do it! A shawl collar is much easier than a notched collar - I have no doubt you are more than capable of doing either, but if your time is short then maybe easier is better!.
I love the tuxedo and dress combo and I second Allison's suggestion on doing a shawl collar, I find it much easier too, and just as, if not more, stylish.
Hi Christina!
I'm sure you can make it in time! I wish you look for this project (even though you really don't need luck because of your superb skills)! SenaSews
Good luck with this. You can do it. Agree with Allison that it might be a time saver to do a shawl collar instead of a notched collar.
Do it. Do it. Do it.
Go for it! But as my sewing tutor always said - If you are in a hurry SLOW DOWN! Its good advice and something I always try tro follow. Good luck and Merry Christmas.
You are so talented that I have no doubt you can do the blazer and the collar very well. I love your blog and you inspire me to be a better seamstress.
i noticed project runway simplicity patterns had a lot of jacket patterns!
Well, yes, you can definitely do it, being the sewista you are. But this is a crazy time of year and you still have to work. So I say don't feel like a failure if you say maybe next time to this jacket and go get something from H&M.
I say make the jacket so you get exactly what you want and buy the dress - less pressure and you will enjoy the sewing journey more!!!
I'm not that huge a fan of notched collars but love shawl collars and they are very easy to make...I know you can do this!!!
There's a great one in September? October? It's 3/4 sleeves with shawl collar. It's cram color but it's cute. When I get home I'll have to look and figure out which month for you.
good luck!
Very very smart choice... even if it doesn't make to new years you'll have a blazer you can wear all year long! Plus the cropped blazers are insanely versitile!
*joining Cidell's chant* Do it. Do it. Do it!
I second everyone else here - shawl collars are much quicker and easier to sew than notched collars. Check out jacket 115 in BWOF 12/07, it's a shawl collar, that sits above the hips, is nipped in at the waist and has some quirky details. I've made it twice and it comes together so quickly
Even in the southern hemisphere a jacket is a good thing to have. Restaurants can be too generous with the air con! Good luck on getting it done.
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