Melissa notified me that Vilene bias tape, BWOF's favorite notion, is just a few mouse clicks away! It's available from Sew Essential in the UK. They'll ship to most of Europe and to the US. For those of us in the US, it's $1.05/meter, and shipping is around $7.
What would we do without the internet?
So this is what you were looking for! It is called "Vlieseline Formband" in Germany and available at every other corner. Even my small local sewing machine shop carries it, and I always have a few meters in my stash. I guess I was confused by the name "bias tape" and never made the connection. Glad you found it.
Beatrice in Germany
FYI, I know some Australian online stores sell it too...I've purchased some recently from for $0.90 per meter. With the current Australian/US dollar exchange rate that would probably be quite cheap for those in the US.
I have bought something similar from, not vilene, but iron-on bias stay tape. We should compare them for a good substitute.
I am so happy to figure out what this is. I, too, have iron on bias stay tape. Surely it is the same thing, right?
So glad to see we have something more easily available than you guys in the States! Our version of JoAnnes, Spotlight, carries the exact same stuff! I found it last week and was soooo excited!
Your dress and bloomers outfit from the other was just gorgeous too. I bought some of that fabric in a couple of colourways when I was in LA last month. It works so well in a toddler pattern.
What do you use this stuff for?
Tara, you can use this to stabilize areas that might get stretched out during wearing or sewing. I always fuse a strip of fusible tape to shoulder seams of knits. You can also use it on round necklines, v-necks, etc.
Thanks Christina (and Tara for asking) I was wondering what you used it for too.
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