So I've been doing some sewing to get ready for the trip. No, not sewing any beach coverups or fun dresses, rather I spent several hours today working on two baby quilts. My coworker will come back from maternity leave while I'm gone, and I want to have them ready for when she returns. She had twins and was assigned to bed-rest just before we had the office baby shower. Since then I've let the quilts-in-progress languish in the corner. I actually like working on quilts, so not sure why it's taken me so long to get back to these, except that of course it takes time away from my apparel sewing.
All that's left is to apply the binding, which will require some handsewing, best done with some TV as entertainment. Good thing Big Love is on tomorrow night.

Patrones update
Several weeks ago I mentioned that I ordered Patrones Extra (#257) from Around the World. After some time passed, I called to check on why I hadn't received it yet. The gentleman told me that they did not receive #257 in their latest shipment, but they do have #256, the Joven issue, and would I like him to send that one? Well, twist my arm. It arrived on Friday via Fed Ex - lots of great eye candy...
Ha! I just got the whole first season of Big Love to watch while I knit. 'S good, isn't it?
Darn! Nicegirl was in NYC recently. I should have asked her to look. Maybe I'll just call and order. I think my aunt may be disgruntled. Those fabrics are so much more fun than what I used on my last quilt. Have a great time in Hawaii.
Hawaii was wonderful. I hope you enjoy your time there too. Do let us know your finds if you decide to go fabric shopping.
Hawaii is beautiful! We stayed on the Big Island. Have fun!
You will love Maui. Did you know you can go fabric shopping there and for real cheap too? Check out my blog under April. I was there and shopped at a couple of places and added links. Have fun!
Thanks for the tip, Linda! I found the links on your blog. I will keep my eyes peeled for those stores.
Big Love is so freaking addicting. I used to sit on my couch and watch it for hours and hours and knit. Enjoy your vacation (you're a lucky girl!)
Have fun in Maui! I was just there this last November. We stayed in Kehei (sp?) Beautiful beaches. If you get a chance to drive the road to Hana, do so. It's a looong windy drive, but the Hana Hotel is lovely for a light lunch or dinner. Wish I were going to Maui - getting away from this Seattle crazy weather. Have a great time!
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