Since Eithne asked about my labels, I thought I'd do a quick post on them. I got them from Name Maker, and they are style F2. The label is a cream color and the font is silver (the colors are customizable). They were $22 for 50 labels. Name Maker has really revamped their site (for the better) since I ordered these; I see that they were featured in a Martha Stewart magazine so that's probably why.
When I ordered these a couple of years ago, I was engaged to be married, and at that time I wasn't sure if I was going to keep my last name or take Tim's last name. So I decided to just use my first and middle names, Christina Sonja. This has kind of stuck as my sewing moniker. Nobody actually calls me that.
Thanks for the info! They really add a touch of professionalism to the dress.:)Eithne
Thanks for the info. I have some crappy iron-on labels right now and really want to upgrade. I also use my first and middle name for crafting/sewing/blogging but in real life I just go by Stephanie.
I'm looking forward to seeing the Cosmo dress.
Those are very cool... I must order some too!
Here's an option for those of you looking for labels. I recently ordered my labels from nwtag.com and I am very happy with them. My labels are posted here http://www.flickr.com/photos/maluhia/511273634/ and for 1,000 polyester labels it was $94 that includes shipping and one time $25 plate fee. It took 3 weeks from the day I faxed it in to the day I received it. So far, they are the most reasonable label company that I found.
Wow, that is an amazing deal, maluhia! That sounds great for businesses who are producing lots of goods. I, on the other hand, doubt I will ever use 1000 labels in my lifetime, although I will certainly try!
I used namemaker too! I have style 47 on this page:
I love the little daisies!!
Very cute labels, Alexa :)
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